Marin County Superior Court - Search Register of Actions

Important Notice. The information found in this Register of Actions remains valid through Thursday, June 15th, 2023. Due to the Court’s change to a new Case Management System, case data entered by the Court after June 15th, 2023 will not be available via this webpage. The Court is exploring alternative methods for providing Register of Actions information from its new Case Management System. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Prior to searching for the Register of Actions, please confirm the case name and case number by using our public index at The more information you provide, the fewer name matches you will receive from the system. For example, it will be easier for you to determine which "John Smith" is the one you are seeking if you include the case number, or the type of case you are seeking. Please note that your search criteria must be an exact match to our database in order to receive the desired results.

Wildcard searches are supported using the percent (%) character. Enter the percent character at the beginning and end of a search to match to any existing data. For example, to find all cases with last name of "Easton", enter "%easton%".

By Case Number: Search for cases by CASE NUMBER by entering as much of the case number as you know. A search using the number "123456" will return just that case, a search using "123%" will return a list of cases that start with “123” in the case number, (i.e. 123001, 123002, etc.).

By Case Name or Party Name: Search for cases by CASE NAME or PARTY NAME by entering the person's first and last name. The middle name is not included in the party name search. If your initial search does not yield results, try swapping the first and last name or entering only the person's last name entering only the person's last name preceded and followed by a wildcard (%) character. For example "%Blue%" in the Party Name will bring up all Parties whose first or last name has the word "Blue". Search for businesses in the index by typing a full business name or partial with a wildcard.

By Case Type: Search for cases by CASE TYPE by entering only the associated prefix for the type of case(s) that you are looking for according to the following:

Case Types: CIV (Civil), PRO (Probate), SMC (Small Claims)

The scheduled appearance department number is not the courtroom number. Please refer to the court’s calendar for the scheduled courtroom.

The Register of Actions information available at this website includes non-confidential civil, probate and small claims cases. Register of Actions information is not provided at this website for family law, parentage, juvenile, conservatorship, guardianship, domestic violence, civil harassment, gun violence or child or family support cases, as electronic access to these case types is limited by California Rule of Court 2.503; these records may be accessed at the courthouse only.

Case Type & Number:
Case Name:
Party Name: