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Boards and Commissions

Child Care Commission


Child Care Commission
Marin County Office of Education
(415) 499-5827

Administered By

Marin County Office of Education


The Marin County Child Care Commission's mission is to lead and support countywide plans and advocacy efforts to ensure access to high quality early care and education services. As the Local Child Care and Development Planning Council, the Commission provides a forum for the identification of local priorities for child care and the development of policies and strategies to meet the needs identified within those priorities.

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No specific qualifications are necessary for appointment. However, state law requires that the Local Planning Council be made up of child care consumers (20%), child care providers (20%), community representatives (20%), public agency representatives (20%), and discretionary (20%).

Term Length

2 years, no more than 4 consecutive terms

Number of Members

Twenty member Commission; Ten appointed by Board of Supervisors, Ten appointed by County Superintendent of Schools. Of ten appointees of Board and Superintendent: two each designated for consumers of child care and development services, two each child care service providers, two each community reps., two each public agency officials, two each At-Large appointments. Two At Large appointments of the Board of Supervisors must be from (1) Marin City and (2) the Canal area of San Rafael.

Reimbursements For Expenses/Per Diem

Consumer and provider representatives who are licensed family child care providers or center-based teachers may receive a stipend per meeting. Additionally, Commissioners may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses.

Time and Day of Meetings

Commission meets the first Tuesday of every odd-numbered months from 3:00-4:30pm. Currently all meetings are being held virtually. For more information please call 499-5889 or email the Coordinator at

How to Apply

Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331) or access the Application online.

Members of this Commission

View the Bylaws

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