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Boards and Commissions

Regional Measure 3 Independent Oversight Committee


Regional Measure 3 Independent Oversight Committee
Clerk of the Board's Office
(415) 473-7331

Administered By

Bay Area Toll Authority


The Regional Measure 3 (RM3) Independent Oversight Committee (oversight committee) will be established by the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) pursuant to Senate Bill 595. The purpose of the oversight committee is to ensure that any toll revenues generated pursuant to the RM3 toll increase are expended consistent with the applicable requirements of the RM3 expenditure plan set forth in Streets and Highways Code Section 30914.7 The oversight committee shall annually review the expenditure of funds by BATA for the projects and programs specified in Section 30914.7 and prepare and submit a report to the transportation committee of each house of the Legislature summarizing its findings. The oversight committee may request any documents from BATA to assist the committee in performing its functions.

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An individual interested in serving on the oversight committee must be a resident of Marin County and be able to meet the following Streets and Highways Code Section 30923 (h) (3) restrictions: (1) A representative appointed to the oversight committee shall not be a member, former member, staff, or former staff of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) or BATA. (2) A representative appointed to the oversight committee shall not be employed by any organization or person that has received or is receiving funding from MTC or BATA. (3) A representative appointed to the oversight committee shall not be a former employee or a person who has contracted with any organization or person that has received or is receiving funding from MTC or BATA within one year of having worked for or contracted with that organization or person.

Term Length

4 years

Number of Members

Two members

Reimbursements For Expenses/Per Diem

Time and Day of Meetings

The oversight committee is subject to open public meetings (The Brown Act). Meeting dates, frequency, and length of meetings will be established by the members of the committee. The location of meetings will be in San Francisco at the Bay Area Metro Center.

How to Apply

Applications are available from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331) or access the Application online.

Members of this Board

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