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Boards and Commissions

Youth Commission


Youth Commission
Laura Hay
Youth Leadership Institute

Administered By

Youth Leadership Institute


Founded in 1969, the Marin County Youth Commission (MCYC) is one of the oldest and most well-regarded youth commissions in the United States. Made up of 23 youth aged 12-23 years, MCYC’s goal is to act as a political voice for young people — particularly those in underserved populations, including youth of color, youth with disabilities, homeless youth, rural youth, and LGBTQ youth — by engaging with the Marin County Board of Supervisors and other policymakers. At the beginning of each term, Commissioners work diligently to identify issues about which they are passionate and meet with community organizations to learn about ongoing efforts to address these issues. They then organize and implement social justice campaigns, which may look like drafting public policy; engaging other youth through trainings and events; and/or conducting community-wide education.

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Commissioners shall be appointed as at-large members, charged with representing all youth across the county. Each commissioner must be between the ages of 12 - 21 years of age at the start of their term on the Youth Commission - except for a) up to ONE seat which may be filled by a representative whose age would not exceed 23 years at the start of their term; and b) up to ONE seat which may be filled by a representative who works directly with youth in Marin for the benefit of youth. Each commissioner must attend school and/or reside within the county.

Commissioners are appointed by the Board of Supervisors in August for 1-year terms. All Marin County residents between the ages of 12-21 years are eligible — ethnically and culturally diverse youth are highly encouraged to apply. Commissioners are expected to attend a 1-day Intro to Social Justice Training, followed by weekly meetings. In addition, occasional events, workshops, and networking opportunities are required. 

Term Length

1 years

Number of Members

At least fifteen but no more than twenty-three members.

Reimbursements For Expenses/Per Diem

Beginning October 1, 2022, a stipend will be available for members of boards and commissions who self-certify to household income below the County self-sufficiency standard. For more information or to apply to the stipend program, see the Board Stipends Program Webpage.

Time and Day of Meetings

101 Lucas Valley Rd, Suite 360, San Rafael, CA 94903 on Wednesday's 6:30-8:30 pm. (The location may vary. Call (209) 345-8213 to confirm.)

How to Apply

Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331), or access the Application online. Contact Laura Hay by email:


Members of this Commission

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