Contact Information

Marin County Elections Department

3501 Civic Center Drive
Suite 121
San Rafael, CA 94903

(415) 473-6456
Fax: (415) 473-6447
TTY: (415) 473-6899

8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday
7:00 AM – 8:00 PM Election Day

Information Portal Contents

Your Districts and Elected Officials

This page shows the districts you live in and the elected officials who represent you.

Where's My Ballot

This button opens a new window to the state's ballot tracking system called BallotTrax. Register or log in to see the status of your ballot.

For more information visit the BallotTrax FAQs.

Opt Out/Opt In

If you receive your Voter Information Guide/Sample Ballot by mail, you can "opt out" and receive an electronic version. You will receive an email notifying you when the guide is available online.

If you receive the electronic version, you can "opt in" to switch back to receive a paper version by mail.

To "opt out/opt in" you must provide more data to prove your identity: either your full California driver's license (or ID) number or the last four digits of your social security number. (Cal. Elec. Code §13300.5.).

Voter's Choice Act

The Information Portal no longer displays a map showing your polling place. Under VCA there are multiple Vote Centers and Drop Boxes for your mail-in ballot. Therefore, the Information Portal now has links to Vote Center and Drop Box locations.

Voter Guide

The Voter Guide shows the contests you are able to vote on, as well as candidate names and statements, if available. You will also see any state propositions and local measures.

Information Guide/Sample Ballot

The Voter Information Portal can display a copy of your Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot online in PDF format. This is not advised if you are using a mobile device, as PDF display is awkward at small screen sizes.


When you exit the Voter Information Portal you will be returned to the VIP authentication page and your stored information will be erased.


To display your voting information the Voter Information Portal needs to verify that you are registered to vote.

So that the Voter Information Portal can provide the correct information, you must provide some data that you gave when you registered to vote.

If you have attempted to register, but there is something wrong with your application, or it is on hold pending further information, the dialog box will relay that information.

NOTE: if you are not registered to vote, you cannot use the Voter Information Portal. If you would like to register, go to the California Secretary of State's website. For help with registration issues, contact the Elections Department.

Authentication Problems

If the County of Marin voter database is down, the Voter Information Portal will inform you that it could not find any registration data. If you are certain the information you entered is correct, try again in an hour or so. Also, see Data Entry Tips, below. If you are still having problems after that, contact the Elections Department.

Data Entry Tips

All fields are required. This is so that the system can disambiguate duplicate names.

First Name/Last Name
Enter your first name and last name exactly as you entered it on your registration form. For example: if your middle name was entered as part of your first name, like Roberta Mae, instead of just Roberta, you must enter it as Roberta Mae in the search form. Hyphens are allowed in first and last names.

House Number
This is the address you used when you registered. But only enter the number. For example: if you live at 43690 Mason St. you would enter 43690. House numbers with fractions or letters can also be entered. Only lower case letters can be entered. For example: 6 1/2, or 520c.

Birth Date
Enter your birth date as a two digit month, two digit day, and four digit year. You must type the forward slash (/). For example: 08/24/1977.

For security reasons you must provide either a driver's license or California ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security number. This data will not be visible to any third parties as the connection to the VIP is secure using a digital certificate (SSL/HTTPS). You provided this information when you registered to vote.

If you make a mistake the Voter Information Portal will inform you that it cannot find your registration information. You can try again with the correct data. If you are not registered you will not be able to use the Voter Information Portal.

Compatible Browsers

NOTE: this Voter Information Portal may only be used with browsers that support HTML 5 local storage, such as recent versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. There is also a mobile version of the Voter Information Portal. See our Browser Support Page for more information.

Button Icon Glossary

  • action icon Execute an action.
  • right arrow icon Open a page in the current window.
  • return icon Return to the previous page.
  • dialog icon Pop up a dialog box.
  • forward icon Open a new page in a separate window.
  • help icon Help page.