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Boards and Commissions

Measure W West Marin TOT Oversight Committee


Measure W West Marin TOT Oversight Committee
Molly Kron and Jennifer Menicucci
Board of Supervisors

Administered By

County of Marin


The purpose and duties of the Committee is to review, on an annual fiscal year basis, the expenditure of transient occupancy tax revenue to ensure that the revenue is allocated within the boundaries of the West Marin Tax Area and for the purposes approved by the voters in Ordinance No. 3692; that half of the new revenue shall be allocated for fire and emergency services in the West Marin Transient Occupancy Tax Area, and half shall be allocated for community housing in the West Marin Transient Occupancy Tax Area.

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The Committee shall consist of five (5) members, who shall be comprised of residents who live in the West Marin Tax Area. Members should possess working knowledge in subject areas and disciplines beneficial to the work of the committee, such as financial management and reporting, public agency administration, and/or the provision of fire and emergency services or community housing needs.

Term Length

2 years

Number of Members

Five members, who shall be comprised of residents who live in the West Marin Tax Area.

Reimbursements For Expenses/Per Diem

Time and Day of Meetings

Measure W TOT Oversight Committee meets annually in the late winter/early spring 2-3 times (or as needed) at 5:30 PM in Point Reyes Station at the West Marin Multi-Services Center Community Room, on One 6th Street (if room is available).

How to Apply

Applications are available from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331) or access the Application online.

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