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Boards and Commissions

FCZ #1 (Novato)


FCZ #1 (Novato)
Hannah Lee
Department of Public Works
(415) 473-2671

Administered By

County of Marin


To review all flood control projects as well as the proposed annual budget and findings for the zone and in both cases, advise the Board and make recommendations.

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Members must be registered voters of the zone. ** NOTE **: This Board is very active. It is concerned with construction of a major flood control project and maintenance of existing drainage ways, and pump stations.

Term Length

4 years

Number of Members

Five members

Reimbursements For Expenses/Per Diem

Time and Day of Meetings

Annual meeting on the 1st Thrsday of February and regular meetings as scheduled by the Advisory Board and District Engineer. If there is no business to be conducted, such meetings may be cancelled by the District Engineer. Special meetings may be called. For information, please call (415) 473-2671.

How to Apply

Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331), or access the Application online.

Members of this Board

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