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Boards and Commissions

Tam Design Review Board


Tam Design Review Board
Candice Bozzard
Community Development Agency
(415) 473-6269

Administered By

County of Marin


To serve as an advisory and resource body and liaison to the Board of Supervisors, the Community Development Agency, the Planning Commission, and the Community. To review and comment on discretionary land use and zoning applications and community plan amendments within the Tamalpais Planning Area (which includes the Tamalpais Valley, Homestead Valley, Almonte, Muir Woods Park, and Tennessee Valley areas) that are referred by the Community Development Agency.

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All TDRB members must reside in the Planning Area. However, a non-resident Architect with special expertise relevant to the Planning Area who is recommended by the TDRB may serve. Only one non-resident Architect member may serve on the TDRB at one time. In selecting new candidates for membership, every effort should be made to seek technically-qualified individuals representing the different neighborhoods within the Tamalpais Planning Area, representing disciplines such as: Architect; Construction or Design Professional; Real Estate Agent or Broker; Landscape Architect, Designer or Contractor; Contractor or Engineer; and Merchant or Business Owner of a business within the Planning Area. However, an applicant who represents the aforementioned disciplines shall not automatically receive appointment over an applicant who does not represent such a discipline.

Term Length

3 years, staggered terms.

Number of Members

Five members.

Reimbursements For Expenses/Per Diem

Beginning October 1, 2022, a stipend will be available for members of boards and commissions who self-certify to household income below the County self-sufficiency standard. For more information or to apply to the stipend program, see the Board Stipends Program Webpage.

Time and Day of Meetings

First and third Wednesdays of the month. For information, please call 473-6269.

How to Apply

Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331), or access the Application online.

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